New Contest!

Egg drop Challenge

Are you up for the challenge?

Contestants shall design and build a container that will prevent an uncooked egg from breaking when dropped a number of. times from various heights. Judges must be able to remove the egg without damage to the egg and have the ability to recluse the container if advancing to the next round.

Sunday, July 21st starting at 11:30am

Start Time

John Millar Civic Center – Outside in a designated area.

Official 2024 Egg Drop Rules

Design Principles:

Each contestant will create/build a container for inspection after registration. One container per contestant. The container must meet ALL of the following criteria:

Eggs will be supplied by the contest officials.

  1. ) Size: Egg containers must be shaped to be placed in a 12″x12″x 12″ box.
  2. Containers must be designed so they may be dropped from any position.
    Containers must be ready for loading and reloading at the competition site, meaning immediately reusable. Container must be free falling. NO parachutes, balloon/helium balloon, or deploying devices allowed.
  3. Container must weigh no more than 5 lbs.
  4. ) Must not be dangerous to spectators while falling or after impact. There will be a designated 30’x30′ sectioned off “drop” area. Only Officials will be dropping the egg containers.
  5. ) Container must not damage the landing surface.
  6. Not make a mess that cannot be quickly picked up after impact.
  7. ) Judges must be able to access the egg for inspection within one (1) minute of landing. Contestants will have one (1) minute to re-secure the container after reloaded by officials if advancing to the next round.
  8. No kits, or pre-made designs may be used. Container/structure must be the individual’s invention.
  9. No guidelines for the appearance of your container, but keep in mind the award for creativity. Be sure to give your container a name
  10. Materials: Any materials, except glass or making it entirely out of metal, may be used in the design, as long as the structure meets the design and contest rules.


  1. Fill out Entry form upon arrival
  2. Officials will inspect your container for compliance with the rules.
  3. Officials will then supply each contestant with an egg. Contestants are responsible for loading the egg in the container and sealing it, under supervision of the officials. Once you have the container ready, you will turn over to the Officials to be weighed. At this time, you are not allowed to handle your container before the drop.
  4. Your container will be dropped by Officials. After the drop, you will open your container for the Officials to inspect the egg for breaks and cracks. If advancing to the next round, you will be given one (1) minute to re-secure the container for the next drop. The container will then be turned over to officials for weighing. You will not be allowed to handle your container at this point.


Awarded by age level depending on number of entries.

Grand Prize: In the event of a tie, the winner will be the lightest-weight container.

1st: $100

2nd: $75

3rd: $50

Most Creative: $25

Most Scientific: $25

Most devastating crash: $25

Officials have discretion of what is not allowed within the design principles and have final decisions.