Directions & Lodging


The Houlton Agricultural Fair is held annually in early July at Community Park in Houlton, Maine. Strategically located on the Canadian border, Houlton is the gateway to Northern Maine and Aroostook County. Travelling via U.S. Route 1, U.S. Route 2, or Interstate 95 will bring you to our friendly, beautiful town.

The fairgrounds are adjacent to Houlton Middle/High School and can be accessed from Randall Avenue. Use the button below to view an interactive map of the fairgrounds and nearby areas.


Houlton, Maine (United States)

Houlton is a beautiful, Victorian town situated on the U.S. & Canadian border. Houlton hosts a wide range of events year-round aimed towards community members and visitors alike!

Woodstock, NB (Canada)

Neighboring Houlton on the other side of the U.S. / Canadian border is the town of Woodstock – New Brunswick’s first town!